Privacy Policy

Last updated 27 March, 2024

Our approach to privacy is pretty straightforward—we avoid collecting private information if we don’t have to, and if we do, we respect and protect it.

It’s important, however, to consider the difference between private and anonymous data.

Anonymous data


We’ve chosen to use Plausible Analytics to track usage of websites (including this one) because it does a great job of providing useful data without, in their own words, “collecting any personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), without using cookies and while respecting the privacy of [our] website visitors.”

We collect anonymized information on how our apps are used via TelemetryDeck. In their own words, "While other analytic packages are eager to scrape as much data off your users as possible, TelemetryDeck only communicates the data you need to find out how your users use your product."

In other words: you are not tracked across devices, websites, and apps.

Private data

We do, in some circumstances, collect some personal data.

Specifically, if you send us an e-mail or subscribe to our newsletter, we’ll keep a record of your e-mail address, as well as any communication you had with us, in some form or another. We do this because it’s necessary to communicate with you, and because whatever comments and questions you have may help us make better products for you.

We use some tracking analytics provided by Buttondown, our newsletter provider. These analytics include:

Your e-mail address will never shared be with anyone without your permission, period, unless we’re required to by law — but only after a careful review of the request with legal experts.

We do not receive any of your information (e.g. name, credit card number, billing address, etc.) from Apple when you make a purchase from the App Store, nor do we have any information on who submits reviews of our apps.

Living document

This privacy policy is a living document and may change over time to reflect new features and options that we decide to offer; any time we do so, we’ll let you know via the newsletter.